Roman Bath Style Pool
Wellington Florida Roman Bath Style Pool Project
Wellington Fl Pool Builder Hang 10 Pools Roman Bath Style Pool Project
It was a lifelong dream for this family to have a pool but they held off on building one for a long time. One of the reasons they didn’t want to build a conventional pool was the small size of the backyard. The homeowners wanted something to cool of in, play, and more importantly drown out the noise of the busy road behind their yard. Follow us on this 10 week journey as Hang 10 Pools transform this lot into an OASIS!
This pool project has a little bit of everything, and we blinged it up with some awesome design choices. We built the wall of the pool 4’ high with a singular solid 8’x4’ slab of porcelain from Floor and Decor. We also gave the wall some dimension but creating column caps using the same Ivory Travertine from Atlantic Stone Source for the coping material.
To add the sound, we pumped a large volume of water up the wall to 3 CMP sheer descents.
For the lighting we triangulated 3 Pentair Globrites to create a well lit area that gives an amazing view from the home.
Just check out the night shot here!
Roman Bath Style Pool Project
We started with a really tight access of about 6’ so we had to bring in some small machines to get the job done. Weaving between trees and being careful not to damage the neighbors yard or fence.
I brought my laptop and set up shop on the back patio and managed the project as we set elevations and layed out the pool design. We moved quickly from dig to form and steel in about 2 days.
Wellington Pool Excavation Day
Building the wall was the easy part, getting the slab onto the wall not so much. Took about 4 of our crew members all standing on buckets to get to the right height. The scary part was that if we chipped the material or dropped it, it would be almost a $2000 mistake and a 2 week delay.
Luckily our hands were dry enough to hold it despite the 92 degree South Florida weather.
Installing the porcelain slab
Once we finished the Coping and Tile installation we set the equipment. We used all Pentair Trade Grade top of the line equipment. What was really cool is that we installed dedicated ball valves to control individual water flow to each wall return.
Once the fence was installed and all inspections passed through Village of Wellington Building Department we brought in the pump truck to install the finish on the pool.
Plaster Truck Hang 10 Pools
For the finish of the pool, the homeowners were looking for something light and refreshing to go with this roman bath idea. We chose Sky Blue by Florida Stucco. It is a white based interior finish containing small shells, quartz rocks, and blue glass pebbles. Once filled the water initially looks a little green coming out of the tap, but once balanced it gives a beautiful baby blue.
Sky Blue Pool Finish Wellington Florida
We started this Wellington Pool Project with a 3D concept render, and comparing to the finished product, it looks even better in person!